Kenya’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and JCM activities.Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
Kenya’s Intended Nationally Determined ContributionsMinistry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
The Livestock Sub-sector in Kenya’s NDCCGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), CGIAR, Global Research Alliance
Needs and Gap Assessment Report - Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of the NDC Implementation for the Energy and Transport Sectors in KenyaMinistry of Environment Climate Change and ForestryTom Owino Oduol
Kenya Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention On Climate ChangeNEMA
Analysis of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)ICF International, USAID
Regional Analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions Of Eastern AfricaFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Promoting the implementation of the Paris agreement in East Africa - Kenya national baseline studySuswatch Kenya
Transforming from INDCs to NDCs in AfricaAfrican Development Bank (AfDB)
Steps Ahead: Leveraging Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions and Climate-Resilient DevelopmentUnited Nations Development Program (UNDP)
NDC conditionality and Article 6 – An analysis of African countries’ updated NDCsClimate Finance InnovatorsAxel Michaelowa, Federico De Lorenzo, Nicole Krämer, Sandra Dalfiume, Sandra Greiner, Stephan Hoch
Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions: Kenya Country ReportUmweltbundesamtTom Owino Oduol
Linking Small Scale Energy Community Actions to SDGS and NDC ImplementationKenya Climate Change Working Group Association (KCCWG)Tom Randa, Wycliffe Amakobe
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Kenya (2020)Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
Nationally Determined Contributions Implementation Index and Tracking Tools for AfricaThe Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance
Climate change and sustainable development in the Kenyan electricity sector: Impacts of electricity sector development on Kenya’s NDCAmbition to ActionLukas Kahlen, Marie-Jeanne Kurdziel, Tessa Schiefer, Thomas Day
Exploring synergies between the intended nationally determined contributions and electrification goals of Ethiopia, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)Taylor & Francis GroupSemida Silveira, Sujeetha Selvakkumaran
Gender and NDCs: Country progress and key findingsUnited Nations Development Program (UNDP)
LECB Programme Impact and Results: KenyaUnited Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Increasing policy coherence between NDCs and SDGs: a national perspectiveStockholm Environment InstituteAdis Dzebo, Björn-Ola Linner, Cassilde Muhoza, Gabriela Iacobuta, Marie Francisco, Marjanneke J. Vijge, Philip Osano, Ramona Hägele, Sander Chan, Zoha Shawoo, Åsa Perssona
Financing sustainable energy access in African NDCsClimate Finance InnovatorsAlexandre Dunod, Gema Andreo Victoria, Harold Goret, Karin Sosis, Marco Della Maggiore, Peris Waweru, Robert Kelly, Sandra Greiner, Sherri Ombuya, Stephan Hoch, Thomas Owino, Tim Cowman
Kenya’s Financing Strategy For Nationally Determined ContributionClimate Policy Initiative, The National Treasury And Economic Planning, United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHDaniel Bongardt, Edina Löhr, Nikolas Hill, Nipunika Perera , Urda Eichhorst
Analysis Of Adaptation Components of Africa's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)African Development Bank (AfDB)
Methane Mitigation From The Dairy Sector In Kenyaâ??S Nationally Determined Contribution (Ndc)Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
NDC Checklist: Kenya AnalysisWorld Wide Fund (WWF)
Using NDCs,Naps And The Sdgs To Advance Climate-Resilient DevelopmentNAP Global NetworkAnne Hammill, Hayley Price-Kelly