Using the EDM toolkit to analyse impact: a small-scale horticulture project in Kenya

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Ben Garside, Lazarus Walker, Sarah Wykes, Surabhi Rajagopal

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Food and Agriculture, Horticulture
Year: 2017

Climate-resilient horticulture for sustainable county development in Kenya

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Catherine Kilelu, Charles Tonui, Emiel Zwarts, Esther M. Patrick, Hasse Goosen, Ingrid Coninx, Irene Koomen, Jessica Koge, Joanes O. Atela, John M. Wesonga

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Adaptation and Resilience, Counties, Horticulture
Year: 2020

Factors influencing Mobile Phone use on Climate-Smart Horticulture in Taita-Taveta County, Kenya

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

D. Otieno, J. Mwikamba, W. Oluoch-Kosura

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate-Smart Agriculture, Counties, Food and Agriculture, Horticulture, Taita Taveta County
Year: 2022

Green Packaging, Green Distribution, and Competitive Advantage in the Horticultural Sector in Kenya

Sage Publications

Kariuki Mary Mumbi, Mburu David Kiarie, Ngugi Patrick Karanja

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Food and Agriculture, Horticulture, Trade and Supply Chains
Year: 2020

Optimization of Geothermal Greenhouses Design for Kenyan Fresh-cut Flowers

Stanford University

Ngethe John, Saeid Jalilinasrabady

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Geothermal, Horticulture, Sustainable Cooling
Year: 2021

Sustainable Cooling in Kenya's Agrifood Sector Transformation: A Case for Multisectoral Policy Alignment and Investment

Centre for Sustainable Cooling (CSC), Endev

, Ahmed Alammar, Asha Singh, Catherine Kilelu, Isaiah Omolo, Leyla Sayin, Toby Peters

Type: Reports and Publications, Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Food and Agriculture, Horticulture, Sustainable Cooling
Year: 2022

Sustainable Energy for Smallholder Farmers (SEFFA) in Ethiopia,Kenya and Uganda; Baseline Study and Market Assessment


Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Food and Agriculture, Horticulture
Year: 2021

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