Kenya Environment Action Plan: Preparation guidelines 2016-2022 (2016)NEMA
Green Economy Assessment Report - KenyaUNEP
The Embu County Environment Management ActCounty Government of Embu
The Kilifi County Environmental (Regulation and Control) ActCounty Government of Kilifi
Protected Areas Planning FrameworkKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Tsavo Conservation Area Management PlanKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Mt Kenya Ecosystem Management PlanKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Assessing Reserve Flows for the Mara River - Kenya and TanzaniaWorld Wide Fund (WWF)
Amboseli–West Kilimanjaro Natron Cross Border LandscapeKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Kakamega Forest Ecosystem Management PlanKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
The Wildlife Conservation and Management ActKenya Gazette Supplement
National Environment PolicyMinistry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
Kiunga-Boni-Dodori Conservation Area Management Plan (KBDCA)Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Green Growth in Practice: Lessons from Country ExperiencesGreen Growth Best Practice (GGBP)
Evolving Customary Institutions in the Drylands: An opportunity for devolved natural resource governance in Kenya?International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)Daoud Tari Abkula, James Pattison
Environmental Management and Coordination (Air Quality) RegulationsKenya Gazette Supplement
Kakamega County Sector Plan for Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change 2023-2032County Government of Kakamega
Conservation, crime and communities: Olderkesi Wildlife Conservancy, KenyaInternational Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)Calvin Cottar
Watamu Marine Protected Area Management PlanKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Social Assessment of Protected Areas (SAPA) at Ol Pejeta Conservancy, KenyaInternational Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)Phil Franks
Malindi Marine Protected Area Management PlanKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Natural Resource Governance Framework Challenges and Opportunities in Eastern and Southern AfricaInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)Barbara Nakangu Bugembe
Amboseli National Park Management Plan, 2020-2030Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Bucking the Dismal Decline in Wildlife: Amboseli Numbers are Going UpAmboseli Conservation ProgramDavid Western, Victor N. Mose
Call to Protect People and NatureWorld Wide Fund (WWF)Arianna Freschi, Dalberg Advisors, Emily Trench, Wijnand de Wit
Wildlife Focus Issue 2World Wide Fund (WWF)Alex Kubasu, Austine Okande, David Leto, Martin Mulama, Maurice Nyaligu, Peter Lokitela, Yussuf Adan Wato
Roadmap to Environmental SustainabilityEquity BankJulius Kipng’etich
Checklist of CITES SpeciesUNEP
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)NEMA
The Green Belt Movement (GBM)The Green Belt Movement (GBM)
The UN Environment Programme World Conservancy Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)UNEP
UNEP Document RepositoryUNEP
World Environment Situation RoomUNEP
Nairobi National Park Management Plan, 2020-2030Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
National Recovery and Action Plan for Lion and Spotted Hyena in KenyaKenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Utilising Science and Technology for Environmental Management in KenyaKariuki MuiguaKariuki Muigua
Bungoma County Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy 2019County Government of Bungoma
2018 Environmental Performance IndexYale Center for Environmental Law & Policy
The Vihiga County Environment Policy 2019County Government of Vihiga
In-Country Technical Training on Hazard Assessment Using Earth Observation and GIS for KenyaIGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)
Kisumu County Environment Policy 2019County Government of Kisumu
Lamu Amu Coal National Environmental Tribunal judgment/decisionKenya’s National Environmental Tribunal
The importance of a healthy, free-flowing Mara River to the society and economy of Kenya and TanzaniaWorld Wide Fund (WWF)
Gender and environment statistics: unlocking information for action and measuring the SDGsUNEP
Kenya State of the Environment and Outlook 2010NEMA
Conservation from the inside-out: Winning space and a place for wildlife in working landscapesPeople & Nature: British Ecological SocietyDavid Western, Guy Western, John Kamanga, Peadar Brehony, Peter Tyrrell, Samantha Russell
Swara: A Review of the Nairobi National Park Plan 2020-2030SwaraDavid Western
Vihiga District Environment Action PlanNEMA
Assessing impacts of human-elephant conflict on human wellbeing: An empirical analysis of communities living with elephants around Maasai Mara National Reserve in KenyaPLOS OneNigel Leader-Williams, Olobeli Engini Emenye, Tobias Ochieng Nyumba
Kakamega County Sector Plan for Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change 2023-2032County Government of Kakamega
Kenya Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management 2017-2027Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
Makueni County Water Policy 2019County Government of Makueni
National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid LandsMinistry of East African Community,Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) and Regional Development
National Wildlife Strategy 2018-2030Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
Sessional Paper No.13 of 2014 on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) PolicyMinistry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
The National Wildlife Conservation and Management Policy 2017Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Forestry
Nurturing the Human Side of the Circular EconomyAfrican Circular Economy Network (ACEN)Alexandre Lemille, Susanne Karcher
2016 Environmental Performance IndexYale Center for Environmental Law & Policy
2020 Environmental Performance IndexYale Center for Environmental Law & Policy
2022 Environmental Performance IndexYale Center for Environmental Law & Policy
2024 Environmental Performance IndexYale Center for Environmental Law & Policy
Environment And Natural Resources ManagementUSAID
Migration as adaptation to environmental and climate change: The case of KenyaInternational Organization for Migration (IOM)George Odipo, George Odwe, Martin Oulu, Elmard Omollo
Transforming Conservation Through CollaborationColorado State University
How Well Do Environmental Regulations Work in Kenya? : A Case Study of the Thika Highway Improvement ProjectUniversity of NairobiBenjamin Barczewsk
A Review of the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Solid Waste ManagementBessy Eva Kathambi, Linda Maryanne Obiero
Measurement of the GBEP indicators in Kenya and links to the Bioeconomy in AfricaStockholm Environment InstituteRucio A Diaz Chavez
Wildlife Migratory Corridors and Dispersal Areas: Kenya Rangelands and Coastal Terrestrial EcosystemsGovernment Of KenyaBenson Okita-Ouma, Erustus Kanga, Festus Ihwagi, Gordon O. Ojwang?, Jeffrey S. Worden, Mohammed Y. Said, Patrick W. Wargute, Philip Muruthi, Zeke Davidson
UNEP Frontiers 2016 Report: Emerging Issues of Environmental ConcernUNEP
Exploring Environmental Complementarity between Types of Protected Areas in KenyaAgence Française de DéveloppementAnthony King, Delphine King, Helen Gibbons, Joanna Elliott, Tiphaine Leménager
Expanding options for habitat conservation outside protected areas in Kenya: The use of environmental easementsAfrican Wildlife FoundationKathleen H. Fitzgerald, N.Gitahi, R. Watson