Liveable Cities: The Benefits of Urban Environmental PlanningCities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, ICLEI Africa - Local Government for Sustainability, UNEP
Green jobs, livelihoods and the post-carbon economy in African citiesTaylor & Francis GroupCharisma Shont'e Aceya, Thomas H. Culhane
Recreational green spaces as the future for sustainable cities: Case of Karura Forest in Nairobi, KenyaJournal of Sustainability Environment and PeaceEvaristus M. Irandu, Parita Sureshchandra Shah
Transforming Kenya’s dairy industry through sustainable consumption and production practicesStockholm Environment InstituteAnne Nyambane, Elvine Kwamboka, Mbeo Ogeya, Rocio A. Diaz-Chavez, Takeshi Takama
Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in Kenya for DevelopmentKariuki MuiguaKariuki Muigua
Users' awareness and perceptions of green building in KenyaJournal of Environmental Sciences and TechnologyCaleb Mireri, George Vikiru, Rose Achieng’ Agalo
Adoption Of Green Neighborhood Development: A Case Of Sustainable Low-Cost Housing Projects In KenyaInternational Research JournalsAddah Wanyonyi
Circular Economies And Affordable Housing In KenyaEngineering For Change
Green Affordable Housing Finance (Gahf) In Kenya: Gender Analysis And Financial Product Design ConsultancyREALL
Website information for IHS Kenya Green Housing SCSp FundIHS Kenya
Sustainable Infrastructure: Putting Principles into PracticeWorld Wide Fund (WWF)Jackson Kiplagat, Paolo Tibaldeschi
Sustainable Real Estate Development in Kenya: an Empirical InvestigationUniversity of NairobiCatherine Kariuki, Nicky Nzioki, Jennifer Murigu
Sustainable Building Design in KenyaElsevierN. Astea, R. S. Adhikaria, C. Del Peroa, F. Leonfortea, I. Timis
Kenya Delivering Sustainable Investment through the Private SectorGovernment Of Kenya
Sustainable Building and living,focus on plasticsDr Beate Kummer, Dr Alexis Bazzanella, Dr Claudio Cinquemani, Professor Klaus Kümmerer
Sustainable livelihood strategies and outcomes of ageing farmers in Kenya?s Central HighlandsUniversity of NairobiLouise C. Branlard, Aslak H. C. Christiansen, Helene L. Hannibal, Jesse C. Jones
Assesment of Social and Economic Impacts of Biogas Digesters in Rural KenyaSIT Study AbroadAlison Hamlin
Bio-LatrinesPractical ActionAmruta Khatavkar, Sarah Matthews, Peter Murigi
Bioenergy for Sustainable Energy Access in AfricaLTS International LimitedMathew Owen, Ralph Ripken
Domestic Biogas lamp ? SpecificationKenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
Operation And Maintenance Of Biogas Plants, Bio-Slurry Management And Use: A Practical Handbook for the Trainer of Trainers of Biogas Construction EnterprisesBiogas Solutions Uganda LimitedJoyce De Mucci, Peace Kansiime, Juliet Kyokunda, Anthony Walter Okello, William Fotseu, Sylvia Namara