National Energy Situational and Stakeholder Analysis KENYA

ICLEI Africa - Local Government for Sustainability

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2020

Derisking Renewable Energy Investment : Off-Grid Electrification

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Abhishek Malhotra, Christoph Henrich, Hande Bayraktar, Oliver Waissbein, Tobias S. Schmidt

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Energy Finance, Investments, Renewable Energy
Year: 2018

Lessons on the Role of Public Finance in Deploying Geothermal Energy in Developing Countries

Climate Policy Initiative

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Finance, Energy and Fuels, Energy Finance, Geothermal, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Adoption of green energy technologies in selected peri-urban and rural areas of Makueni and Machakos counties, Kenya

World Journal of Research and Review

George Muthike, Jacinta Kimiti, Muusya Mwinzi, Samson Muloo

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Counties, Energy and Fuels, Machakos County, Makueni County, Renewable Energy
Year: 2023

Feed-in-Tariffs Policy on Renewable Energy Resource Generated Electricity (Small-Hydro, Biomass and Biogas)

Ministry of Energy

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Climate Laws and Policies, Electricity, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2008

Better farmer benefits from renewable energy: improving inclusion and uptake in Kenya

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Karen Wong Perez, Kevin Johnstone, Tracy Kajumba

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Food and Agriculture, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Conflict sensitivity and renewable energy: a case study from Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp

Stockholm Environment Institute

Naho Mirumachi, Ruth Nyakerario

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Migration, Conflict, Peace and Security, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Paving the Path for Renewable Electrification: The role of government in supporting mini-grids firms to establish and grow in the energy sector of Kenya

Chalmers University of Technology

Ludvig Söderbom, Sanjidul Huda

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Mini-grids, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Technical overview of Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Electrification in Kenya

Kenya Climate Change Working Group Association (KCCWG)

Wycliffe Amakobe

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Renewable Energy Development in Africa: Perspectives on Challenges and Achievements

Kenya Climate Change Working Group Association (KCCWG)

Shadrack Kirui, Wycliffe Amakobe

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Africa, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Scaling Up Renewable Energy Solutions In Africa Policy Proposals For Development Finance Institutions

The African Climate Foundation

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Finance, Development Finance, Energy and Fuels, Energy Finance, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Renewable Energy Auctions Policy Kenya

Ministry of Energy

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Climate Laws and Policies, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2021

The Case of Solar Milling and Agsol

Kenya Bankers Association

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy
Year: 2022

The State of Renewable Energy in Kenya with a Focus on the Future of Hydropower

Africa Environmental Review

D. O. Masara, S. J. Chemengich

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Hydropower, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Assessing transition pathways to low-carbon electricity generation in Kenya: A hybrid approach using backcasting, socio-technical scenarios and energy system modelling


Anderson Gwanyebit Kehbila, Mbeo Ogeya, Philip Osano, Robert Karisa Masumbuko

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Electricity, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2021

Delivering Clean and Affordable Energy for All

Kariuki Muigua

Kariuki Muigua

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2021

Least Cost Power Development Plans (LCPDP) 2021-2030

Ministry of Energy

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Climate Laws and Policies, Electricity, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2021

Least Cost Power Development Plans (LCPDP) 2017-2037

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Climate Laws and Policies, Electricity, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2018

Skills for the Renewable Energy Sector (SkiDRES) Project Report

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2020

Towards 100% Renewable Energy Cities and Regions for Climate Change Mitigation in Kenya

ICLEI Africa - Local Government for Sustainability

Godfrey Wambua Maina, Jackson Muthomi Ituru, Modest Muriuki Muthomi

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Cities and Climate Change, Energy and Fuels, Mitigation, Renewable Energy
Year: 2020

The Impact of Renewable Energy Projects on Indigenous Communities in Kenya

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

Ilse Renkens

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2019

An expert elicitation of public acceptance of renewable energy in Kenya

Librello Publishing House

Bob van der Zwaan, Francesco Dalla Longa, Francis X. Johnson, Hannah Wanjiru, Helena de Boer, Jessanne Mastop, Koen Straver, Marieke van Klaveren, Marielle Rietkerk, Mbeo Ogeya, Oliver W. Johnson

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2019

Innovative renewable energy technologies for climate change mitigation and economic development in Africa

Cornell University

Joyce Gathigia Kabui

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Africa, Economic Development, Energy and Fuels, Mitigation, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Can the Green Economy Deliver It All? Experiences of Renewable Energy Policies with Socio-Economic Objectives


Karoline Steinbacher, Michael Pahle, Shonali Pachauri

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2016

Reduction of Carbon Emissions in Kenya: Focus on Renewable Energy

Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)

Anne Mulea

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Emissions and Gases, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Barriers to Financing Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) in Kenya

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)

Shadrack Kirui, Wycliffe Amakobe

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2014

Reduction of Carbon Emissions in Kenya: Focus on Renewable Energy

Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)

Anne Mulea

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Carbon Markets: Have They Worked for Africa?

Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research

Baimwera Bernard, David Wang'ombe, Kenya Ernest Kitindi

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Carbon Markets, Climate Change Impacts, Renewable Energy
Year: 2017

Kenya Energy Profile: Country Indicators and SDGs

International Renewable Energy Agency

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Biomass
Year: 2023

Plan for 100% Renewable Energy Scenario in Kenya by 2050

Suswatch Kenya

Gunnar Boye Olesen, Justus M. Munyoki

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2020

Do Kenya's Climate Change Mitigation Ambitions Necessitate Large-Scale Renewable Energy Deployment And Dedicated Low-Carbon Energy Policy?

Renewable Energy

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Mitigation, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2017

Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program In Kenya

African Development Bank (AfDB), World Bank Group

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2011

Africa renewable energy discount rate survey ? 2018

Grant Thornton

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Africa
Year: 2018

Barriers to Uptake of Clean and Renewable Energy: Case of Bomet and Homa-Bay Counties

CUTS International

Boniface Owino, Daniel Asher, Martin Mulwa

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Bomet County, Homa Bay County, Counties
Year: 2018

Bridging Climate Change Resilience and Mitigation in the Electricity Sector Through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Sadie Cox, Eliza Hotchkiss, Dan Bilello, Andrea Watson, Alison Holm

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Adaptation and Resilience, Electricity, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy
Year: 2017

Can the Green Economy deliver it all? Experiences of 2 renewable energy policies with socio-economic objectives

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Michael Pahlea, Shonali Pachaurib, Karoline Steinbachercd

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Climate Investment Funds Renewable Energy Intergration Program Investment Plan for Kenya

Ministry of Energy and Petroleum

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Climate Finance
Year: 2023

Decentralised Renewable Energy for SDG7 ;A Compendium of Global Good Practices

The Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Abhishek Jain, Selna Saji, Sharath Rao, Wase Khalid

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2023

Does renewable energy affect violent conflict? Exploring social opposition and injustice in the struggle over the Lake Turkana Wind Farm,Kenya


Jake Lomax, Naho Mirumachi, Marine Hautsch

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2023

Electric Vehicle Standards in Kenya

Ministry of Roads, Transport And Public Works

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Electricity, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Transport
Year: 2021

Enabling a Just Transition; Protecting Human Rights in Renewable Energy Projects

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI)

Hansika Agrawal, Laura El-Katiri, Kimathi Muiruri, Sam Szoke-Burke

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2023

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Procedural Steps that Underpin Conflict Identification: Reference to Renewable Energy Resource Development in Kenya

WIT Press

Philip M. Omenge, Gilbert O. Obwoyere, George W. Eshiamwata, Stanley M . Makindi, Jatin Nathwani

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2020

Exploring Alternative Sources of Energy in Kenya

Kariuki Muigua

Kariuki Muigua

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2020

Fast and fair renewable energy for Africa: Lessons from Kenya

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Joseph Kibugu, Angela Gathuni

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA): Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2012

Pastoralism and large-scale REnewable energy and green hydrogen projects


Ann Waters-Bayer, Hussein Tadicha Wari

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Pastoralism, Green Hydrogen
Year: 2022

Project Design Study on the Renewable Energy Development for Off-Grid Power Supply in Rural Regions of Kenya; Project no. 30979

Economic Consulting Associates Limited

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Electricity
Year: 2014

Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and its Substansive Contribution to Environmental Risk Management ; Insights From EIA Practitioners and other Stakeholders in Kenya's Renewable Energy Sub-Sector

WIT Press

Philip M. Omenge, Gilbert O. Obwoyere, George W. Eshiamwata, Stanley M . Makindi

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2019

Race to renewables; Tackling corruption and integrity risks in the renewable energy sector

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)

Dieter Zinnbauer, Stephanie Trapnell

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2023

Renewable energy contribution to future skills and job creation in Kenya

Africa Renewable Energy Initiative

Fred Ishugah

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2019

The Pioneers of Renewable Energy are Around the World ? What Can We Learn from Them?

Journal of Futures Studies

Joni Karjalainen, Sirkka Heinonen

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2018

The Politics of Renewable Energy in East Africa

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Emma Gordon

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, East Africa
Year: 2018

The Role of Household Consumers in Adopting Renewable Energy Technologies in Kenya

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

Eliud Kiprop, Kenichi Matsui, Nicholas Maundu

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2019

The role of the African Development Bank in delivering renewable energy investments in Africa

Christian Aid

Hans Kuntner, Bernard Osawa

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Africa
Year: 2024

Towards the Realisation Of Kenya's 100 % Renewable Energy by 2050

Sustainable Environmental Development Watch (SusWatch), International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2023

Transforming lives through renewable energy access in Africa; UNDP?s Contributions

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Ayodele Odusola

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Africa
Year: 2018

Trends in Development assistance to new Renewable Energy in Sub-Saharn Africa

Danish Institute for International Studies

Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen, Ole Winckler Andersen, Henning Nøhr

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Africa
Year: 2020

Unlocking 100% renewable electricity in Africa and elsewhere


Leonie Beaucamp, Eugene Nforngwa

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Electricity, Africa
Year: 2023

Renewable Energy in Developing and Developed Nations: Outlooks to 2040

University of Florida

Nicole Vandaele, Dr. Wendell Porter

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Renewable energy incentives in Kenya: Feed-in-tariffs and Rural Expansion

University of Florida

Richard Boampong, Michelle Andrea Phillips

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2016

Renewable Energy Market Landscape Study; covering 15 countries in Southern and East Africa

Danish Energy Management & Esbensen

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Electricity, East Africa, Southern Africa
Year: 2017

Renewable Energy Projects and the Rights of Marginalised/Indigenous Communities in Kenya

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Indigenous Peoples National Steering Committee on Climate Change (IPNSCCC)

Kanyinke Sena

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2015

Small-scale renewable energy technologies in East Africa: An Overview

World Wide Fund (WWF)

Lauren Hermanus, Louise Scholtz

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, East Africa
Year: 2018

Summary of electric vehicle standards for Kenya

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Anne Wambugu, Japheth Kipkirui, Felix Kamiri, Francis Romano, Ignatius Maranga

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Electricity, Transport
Year: 2020

Bio-Fuel Crops Research for Energy Security and Rural Development in Developing Countries

Springer Link

Belum V. S. Reddy, S. Ramesh, A. Ashok Kumar, S. P. Wani, R. Ortiz, H. Ceballos, T. K. Sreedevi

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy Finance, Renewable Energy, Energy and Fuels
Year: 2008

Biogas Production from Thermochemically Pretreated Sweet Potato Root Waste


Chebet Catherine, Maurice Twizerimana

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biogas, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, East Africa
Year: 2022

Biogas Production Using Water Hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes) for Electricity Generation in Kenya

Scientific Research Publishing

Paul Njogu, Robert Kinyua, Purity Muthoni, Yusuyuki Nemoto

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biogas, Renewable Energy, Pollution
Year: 2015

Building Inclusive Green Economies in Africa Experience and Lessons Learned 2010-2015


Trista Patterson, Allison Bredbenner, Elaine Baker, Tiina Kurvitz, Rannveig Nilsen, Janet Fernandez Skaalvik, Andrea Bassi

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Green Jobs, Renewable Energy, Africa
Year: 2015

Characterization of Kitchen and Municipal Organic Waste for Biogas Production: Effect of parameters


Register Mrosso, Achisa C. Mecha, Joseph Kiplagat

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biogas, Renewable Energy, Clean Cooking
Year: 2023

Feed-In-Tariffs Policy On Wind, Biomass, Small-Hydro, Geothermal, Biogas And Solar Resource Generated Electricity

Ministry of Energy

Type: Government and Legislation
Theme/Sector: Renewable Energy, Electricity, Biogas, Energy and Fuels
Year: 2012

Legal Frameworks for Renewable Energy: Policy Analysis for 15 Developing and Emerging Countries

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Holger Liptow, Stephan Remler

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Renewable Energy, Biogas, Africa, Energy and Fuels
Year: 2012

Promoting Biogas Systems In Kenya

Kenya Renewable Energy Association

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Biogas, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2007

Realising Sustainable Use of Biomass Energy in Kenya: Appraising the Regulatory and Institutional Framework

Journal of Conflict Management and Sustainable Development

Oseko Louis D Obure

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biomass, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

Renewable Energy In The Water, Energy & Food Nexus


Rabia Ferroukhi, Divyam Nagpal, Alvaro Lopez-Peña, Troy Hodges, Rabi H. Mohtar, Bassel Daher, Samia Mohtar, Martin Keulertz

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Climate Change Impacts, Renewable Energy, Food and Agriculture
Year: 2015

Renewable Energy: A Gender Perspective


Rabia Ferroukhi, Michael Renner, Divyam Nagpal, Celia García-Baños, Bipasha Barua

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: SDGs, Renewable Energy, Youth and Gender
Year: 2019

Renewables 2014 Global Status Report

REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century)

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: SDGs, Renewable Energy, Energy and Fuels
Year: 2014

Simple Pre-Feasibility of Biogas Projects

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biogas, Pollution, Renewable Energy, Energy and Fuels
Year: 2015

The transition from fossil energy to renewable energy: Difficulties and Opportunities

Linnaeus University

Bakri Masri

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy, Climate Change Impacts
Year: 2023

Traditional Biomass Energy: Improving its Use and Moving to Modern Energy Use

International Conference for Renewable Energies

Stephen Karekezi, Kusum Lata, Suani Teixeira Coelho

Type: Reports and Publications
Theme/Sector: Biomass, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy
Year: 2004

100% Renewables Energy System Modeling Results For Kisumu County, Kenya

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Dr. Annette Steingrube, Paul Reggentin

Type: Research and Academic
Theme/Sector: Biomass, Counties, Kisumu County, Pollution, Renewable Energy
Year: 2022

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