Needs and Gap Assessment Report - Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of the NDC Implementation for the Energy and Transport Sectors in KenyaMinistry of Environment Climate Change and ForestryTom Owino Oduol
Assessment of the impact of road transport policies on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in KenyaElsevierAderiana Mutheu Mbandi, Christopher S. Malley, Dietrich Schwela, Harry Vallack, Lisa Emberson, Mike R. Ashmore
Kenya Charging Forward: A brief assessment of Kenya’s e-mobility policy landscape and proposed changesEnergy Futures LabCameron Sheehan, Tim Green
Potential of Processing Bagasse and Bagasse Pellets from Western Kenya into Clean Sustainable Transport FuelKenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)B. E. Ndunda, E. O. Apunda, F. M. Mwazighe, P. Ochola, R. Kimilu
A blueprint for carbon credit generation through EMobility solutions in rural Western KenyaPerspectives Climate GroupDario Brescia, Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Juliana Kessler, Lorena Moreno
China’s Belt and Road Initiative & its Implications for AfricaWorld Wide Fund (WWF)
Assessing the ecological impacts of transportation infrastructure development: A reconnaissance study of the Standard Gauge Railway in KenyaPLOS OneCatherine Chebet Sang, Daniel Ochieng Olago, Francis Kago, George Owira, Lucy Waruingi, Mary Mwangi, Robert Marchant, Rosemary Barasa, Sherlyne Omangi, Tobias Ochieng Nyumba, Yvonne Githiora
Feasibility study on carbon credit generation through e-mobility solutions in (rural) Western KenyaPerspectives Climate GroupDario Brescia, Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Juliana Kessler, Lorena Moreno
Mainstreaming gender in urban public transport: lessons from Nairobi, Kampala and Dar es SalaamStockholm Environment InstituteAnna Wikman, Cassilde Muhoza, Rocio A. Diaz-Chavez
Kenya’s Transport Sector Climate Change Annual Report (2019/2020)Climate Change Unit, Ministry of Roads, Transport And Public Works
Transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHDaniel Bongardt, Edina Löhr, Nikolas Hill, Nipunika Perera , Urda Eichhorst
Assessment of the impact of road transport policies on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in KenyaElsevierAderiana Mutheu Mbandi, Christopher S. Malley, Dietrich Schwela, Harry Vallack, Lisa Emberson, Mike R. Ashmore
Decarbonizing the Transport Sector in Africa: Urgent Action and Proposals for Climate ActionKenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)Eliud Moyi, Martha Naikumi
Dealing with the End-of-Life Problem of Electric Vehicle BatteriesDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Lessons Learned On Transport And Climate Change In Kenya Four Years Of Giz Project Advancing Transport Climate Strategies In KenyaCarol Mutiso, Herman Kwoba, Nadja Taeger
Electric Vehicle Standards in KenyaMinistry of Roads, Transport And Public Works
How Well Do Environmental Regulations Work in Kenya? : A Case Study of the Thika Highway Improvement ProjectUniversity of NairobiBenjamin Barczewsk
Summary of electric vehicle standards for KenyaDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHAnne Wambugu, Japheth Kipkirui, Felix Kamiri, Francis Romano, Ignatius Maranga