Rainfall and temperature variability and its effect on food security in Kitui county, Kenya

International Journal of Development and Sustainability


Abstract: This paper examines the effect of temperature and rainfall variability on agricultural production and food security in Kitui County. A scrutiny of the climate in 30 years (1981 to 2011) revealed a large variation in the rainfall and temperature experienced, which have resulted from the changing climate whose effects have been negatively felt in the economic sector of the region. Rainfall and temperature data were obtained from Kenya Meteorological Department. Data was also obtained using other methods such as questionnaires, oral interviews, FGD and direct observation. Rainfall data was analyzed using rainfall anomaly index (RAI) so as to gauge the long-term changes in climate. Temperature trend for 30 years was also determined with the aim of ascertaining the changes that have occurred. The results show that the changing climate has had a negative effect on food production and water availability; the temperatures are increasing, extreme climatic conditions such as drought have become more frequent and severe while the amount and frequency of rainfall has reduced considerably leading to household food insecurity. The study recommends measures which need to be put in place so as to reduce the negative effects of climate change among them drilling wells for irrigation, planting trees, planting drought tolerant crops and water harvesting among other measures.

Gladys Victoria Khisa
Counties, Food Security, Kitui County, Rainfall, Temperature

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