Feed-in-Tariffs Policy on Renewable Energy Resource Generated Electricity (Small-Hydro, Biomass and Biogas)

Ministry of Energy


Abstract: The first FiT Policy was published in March 2008 following approval by the Public Procurement Oversight Authority. The Policy covered wind, small hydro and biomass sources, for plants with capacities not exceeding 50MW, 10MW and 40MW respectively. The first revision of the Policy was published in January 2010. It contained revised tariffs for wind and biomass, and introduced tariffs for geothermal, biogas and offgrid solar resources. The Second revision of the policy published in December 2012 was supplemented by a comprehensive study entitled “Technical and Economic Study for Development of Small Scale Grid Renewable Energy in Kenya”. The revised edition included tariffs for grid-tied solar, standardized PPA templates and reduced the lower threshold for biogas plants. The current revision in 2021 limits the maximum capacity of installations eleigible for the tariff to 20 MW maximum and encourages participation in competitive bidding processes for other potential producers.

Climate Laws and Policies, Electricity, Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy

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