An expert elicitation of public acceptance of renewable energy in Kenya

Librello Publishing House


Abstract: This article presents evidence that there is substantial public support for the large-scale deployment of three renewable energy options in Kenya – wind, solar photovoltaic and geothermal ­– from a quantitative public acceptance study. With these renewable technologies, the government of Kenya could make a large contribution to reaching its national commitment under the Paris Agreement. The study finds that price and infrastructure and land-use requirements all contribute to shaping public opinion about these renewable energy alternatives, but in different ways.

Bob van der Zwaan, Francesco Dalla Longa, Francis X. Johnson, Hannah Wanjiru, Helena de Boer, Jessanne Mastop, Koen Straver, Marieke van Klaveren, Marielle Rietkerk, Mbeo Ogeya, Oliver W. Johnson
Energy and Fuels, Renewable Energy

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