Global Cooksafe Coalition (GCC)
Abstract: The energy revolution has happened. The price of renewables continues to fall each year,with the International Energy Agency branding solar power the “cheapest electricity in history”.1 Sixty-two percent of new renewable energy projects provided cheaper power than the cheapest fossil fuel in 2020.2 But cooking—that daily essential and cultural bedrock that makes our kitchens the heart of the home—has been left in the cold,lagging behind in the transition to safe,clean energy. Gas,a polluting fossil fuel,remains the dominant cooking fuel globally. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50% of the global population currently relies on gas,including LPG,as their primary cooking fuel,representing almost 70% of all urban dwellers and 30% of rural populations.3 In low- and middle-income countries,the situation is starker,with 3.2 million premature deaths each year from illnesses attributable to the household air pollution caused by cooking with solid fuel and kerosene.