Feed-In-Tariffs Policy On Wind, Biomass, Small-Hydro, Geothermal, Biogas And Solar Resource Generated Electricity

Ministry of Energy


Abstract: The government of Kenya recognises that renewable energy sources (RES) which include wind, biomass, small hydros, geothermal, biogas, solar and municipal waste energy, have potential to generate income and employment, over and above contributing to the electricity supply and diversification of generation sources. The National Energy Policy as enunciated in Sessional Paper No.4 of 2004 and operationalized by the Energy Act No. 12 of 2006, encourages implementation of these indigenous renewable energy sources to enhance the country?s electricity supply capacity. The Sessional Paper incorporates strategies to promote the contribution of the renewable energy sources in generation of electricity.

Renewable Energy, Electricity, Biogas, Energy and Fuels

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