Renewables 2014 Global Status Report

REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century)


Abstract: In June 2004, delegates from 154 countries converged in Bonn, Germany, for the world?s first government-hosted international conference on renewable energy. REN21 emerged from that process to become the first international organisation to track renewable energy developments. At that time, there were visible upwards trends in global renewable energy capacity and output, investment, policy support, investment, and integration. Yet even ambitious projections did not anticipate the extraordinary expansion of renewables that was to unfold over the decade ahead. Global perceptions of renewable energy have shifted considerably since 2004. Over the last 10 years, continuing technology advances and rapid deployment of many renewable energy technologies have demonstrated that their potential can be achieved. Renewables advanced further towards realising that potential during 2013.

SDGs, Renewable Energy, Energy and Fuels

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