Simple Pre-Feasibility of Biogas Projects

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


Abstract: Biogas is a combustible gas produced by the fermentation of organic material in the absence of oxygen. It is composed of approx. 60 percent of methane (CH4) and 40 percent carbon dioxide (CO2). It has a faint, unpleasant smell. It burns with a hot blue flame and can be used in gas lamps, cooking stoves, to generate electricity and to power diesel and petrol engines, among other applications (Hankins, 1987). The production of biogas requires the use of carbohydrates, proteins and/or fats. The actual reactants, however, are soluble organic matter, volatile fatty acids (mainly acetic acid), amino acid, long chain fatty acids, organic sulfur and ammonium compounds. These are found in food processing effluents, weeds, leaves, non-edible starch and in sewage, municipal and other waste (Dutt and Ravindranath, 1993)

Biogas, Pollution, Renewable Energy, Energy and Fuels

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